news stories

WIN NEWS Central West - Meg Claridge

Thank you to Central West Schools for launching the National Soaring Towards Zero Bullying Program.

Friday, 31st May 2024.

7 NEWS Central West - Reporter Declan Milton

Thank you Central West Tractor Trek Group for sharing a wonderful weekend, raising funds to keep Little Wings in the air.

Monday 15th April 2024.

9 NEWS Sydney - Reporter Ruth Wynn-Williams

Thank you Shuka Knight for sharing your story.

Sunday, 24th December 2023

7 NEWS Sydney - Reporter Angelique Opie

Thank you Jake O'Brien for sharing your family's story.

Wednesday, 17th December 2023

7 NEWS Coffs Harbour - Reporter Liz Penny

Thank you Tenneayle Kinner & Catherine Blake for sharing your story.

Monday, 4th March 2024

WIN NEWS - Reporter Sophie Norris

Thank you Savannah and Marie for sharing your story.

Tuesday, 27th March 2024

Tuesday 4th July 2023 - Bathurst Panthers Kids Bingo Special Event - Raising Money For Little Wings

Thank you Charlotte Wallin for your report. Thank you to all the families, staff and Bathurst Panthers club for your support.

4th Plane Launch

Channel 9 News Story

Friday 15th September 2023

Central West Tractor Trek Charity 24 Tractorthon - June 2023

Thank you Channel 7 - Reporters Sam and Nick for your story.

Newcastle Base Launch - Wednesday, 31st May 2023.

Thank you NBN reporters Jack and Morgan for your story.

Little Wings Flyer